for some reason when we went through the hell of slapping gallons of paint all over our wood-paneled kitchen, we missed the back door. not sure how it happened, maybe we were so focused on getting the paint snuggled in each and every damn crack... in any case, we're fast approaching our 2 year anniversary of becoming homeowners and the door is in dire need of a face-lift (see above). we're just having a little problem picking out the paint color.
i was leaning towards a slatey grey but C has requested that it be bright and cheerful.
yellow seems like the natural choice, but I'm kind of on the fence.....though I do love this photo:
thanks everyone for your suggestions...i still haven't decided. but i'm going to the paint store today and will see what falls in to my shopping cart! photos next week!
Hi, I know this comment is way too late but just wanted to say that I love the yellow paint more than the blue :) Your choice of pendant light is also beautiful.I was looking for your follow-up post on this but couldn't seem to find it. Anyways, very nice blog!
this looks good.
I lean to blue. Seems like a good compromise between slate-y gray and color, and that particular shade reminds me of blueberries.
(I so enjoy seeing your house and garden updates.)
I love the blue. I have painted the outsite of the bathroom with "Niagara Blue" and it turned to be just perfect:
I've been dreaming of a sunshiny yellow door in my own house--so I'm voting for that!
I go for the yellow, think it looks delightfully fun.
Soft Green to complement the plants and bring the outdoors in.
Maybe a slightly more teal colored blue? Or red, because red always works.
thanks everyone for your suggestions...i still haven't decided.
but i'm going to the paint store today and will see what falls in to my shopping cart! photos next week!
Hi, I know this comment is way too late but just wanted to say that I love the yellow paint more than the blue :) Your choice of pendant light is also beautiful.I was looking for your follow-up post on this but couldn't seem to find it. Anyways, very nice blog!
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