Apr 1, 2010


 before and after**

Howdy to all the folks who made it here via sfgirlbybay. This is the (almost) three year story of turning a funky, dirty and much neglected tiny house into our cabinhouse. We do the work ourselves and though stressful at times, it's pretty damn awesome to live in a home and really understand the work that goes into it. As my wise grandmother likes to say, "It's a learning experience".

Sometimes we talk construction, other days we're hacking through the overgrown forest behind our house, occasionally we'll share some inspiration and there's always some sort of scheming about the next big project.

Take a look around:

- front porch

**we're never quite "finished" with any project, at least not yet... any before & after comes with the caveat that there are approximately 5,000 other things that still need to get done.


Hannah said...

I love the lucky horse shoe over the door, Shayna! Did you find that digging around in the back yard?

Shayna said...

Yes, ma'am. We found it buried in the front yard...