Apr 14, 2010

Fava Beans and Maintenance

I've never grown fava beans but they are just so darn easy. I planted them and really haven't done a thing. I'm also excited to taste them (I've never eaten fava beans!). Any favorite recipes to share?
C pointed out that the pretty white flowers look like butterflies.

I've been feeling slightly unmotivated to post over the last week or two. Maybe it's just a phase or maybe it's the weather. We've been working on the house but it's been maintenance, maintenance and more maintenance. For how much I love our yard and garden, it's an amazing amount of effort just to keep the grass cut, the weeds pulled and the trees pruned. We spent the entire last weekend (when it wasn't raining) just cleaning up and man, it's exhausting. Gardening is nice but yard work...not my favorite.

What keeps you motivated when you're stuck in those dreaded maintenance periods?

***Michelle over at PrettyMommy asked me about my "Everyday Obsessions". Check them out here, thanks Michelle!***


scottypants said...

You are so awesome! Beretta used to have this menu item, fava bean bruschette, that blew my mind. I think it is probably very simple, olive oil, fava beans, parmesan, garlic, salt and pepper. Serve on toasted baguette and devour.

Unknown said...

I've always wanted to grow fava beans! Thanks so much for guesting over at PM today ;)

mb said...

Well, scottypants basically got the variables down for fava beans.
A must... olive oil. salt and pepper, garlic... parmesan is optional... We saute... we blanche... we prepare the bean for what ever fine dish we are preparing. Enjoy your creativity.
mb from dallas

artfoodsoul said...

heidi swanson -- blog 101 cookbooks has some great (and simple) recipes...keep me posted on the motivational tips for any sort of pushes beyond stuck...

Maia said...

Came here thanks to Pretty Mommy...what a beautiful blog! Glad to have found you.

Jennifer said...

Some really great things going on here, Shayna.Have to come back & spemnd some quality time reading:) Aren't fava beans easy??
I love the plants- the flowers are beautiful. One thing that is really simple is to just shell them & sautee them in a little olive oil. Season with salt & pepper. We sometimes add them to pasta(sauteed with a little garlic, onions, too).

Jennifer said...

Just read the other comments- looks like we all eat favas the same way! Tomory just made the bruschetta scottypants described last night (with peas & proscuitto added, too)!

Jennifer said...

During my daily blog reading I came across your blog, via Pretty Mommy I think, and have now after a week, have read your entire blog archive from start to present. I'm bummed that I have no more to read and pictures to view! I will be adding you to my google reader and can't wait to read about your next project. Cheers!