Apr 14, 2009

sad saturday. ripped out the vegetable garden in a fit of rage over volunteer mushrooms. i've since heard they're fine and won't kill you if you don't eat them. we were more worried about our oak trees catching a fungal disease (sounds so gross).

the good news is the vegetable garden will be back, and better than ever (third time's a charm?).
plans so far (and these are rough):

(click image to enlarge)

the light gray areas are the walkways and the gardening bench doesn't exist yet, but you get the idea. we'll be adding a drip irrigation system.

the two smaller boxes are 4' square, the larger is 8' long. the round tubs are half wine barrels and we got our compost bins from the stopwaste program.

these are a few of the books, articles and websites i've been perusing for a little guidance: square foot gardening, sunset magazine, grow better veggies, you grow girl, companion planting
...a little overwhelming but very fun. in the end though it seems the best method for learning about gardening is actually gardening.

C has continued to work in the front, which reminds me that i need to take some photos....the progress is really exciting!


Wolfie and the Sneak said...

Aww, I'm sorry to hear about your mushroom problem! I don't know much about it, but there's a popular book out now about how beneficial mushrooms actually are (it's called Mycellium Running)
They talk about how mushrooms actually help trees communicate with one another, and, of course, mushrooms are a good sign that there is life and organic matter breaking down in your soil.

Ms. Blake said...

Thanks for the gardening books and websites! We recently moved to Oregon and are looking forward to starting our own veggie garden. The plans look great--good luck with the eventual harvest!