Apr 7, 2009

above photo is of my delicious lunch, which i'm sharing with you because it contains beets and chard from our garden (other key players are walnuts, capers and yet-to-be-added goat cheese)! and there was enough to make 2 lunches, not just one (which in my head means that it's a real-honest-to-god-legit garden).

the following photos are of a crazy moth/bug/insect that hung out with us last night. any ideas what kind of moth/bug/insect this might be? it reminded us of "silence of the lambs". that's probably not a great reference...

ps- it was huge. it doesn't look huge in these photos, but it was. i swear.


Ms. Blake said...

Looks like a Sphinx Moth. We had them in Northern NV where I grew up. They're pretty cool!

Shayna said...

oh it is most definitely a Spinx moth! thanks for the tip, ms. blake.
looks like they're great garden pollinators!

Jason said...

No way - it's clearly some sort of eagle. It's huge!

Waco said...

We had one of these relaxing our porch light all day long last Saturday (we're in Dallas). Very pretty little gal. And BIG too.