a few nice things
C found two bottles and an old Ajax canister hidden in the framing when he tore out the old bathroom drywall. It made me really happy to see one bottle stamped with "Oakland, Calif".
My brothers brought me the hippopotamus planter from my parents' house. I've always loved it and will plant something nice for E in it.
My very talented friends with excellent gift-giving skills left me with beautiful neon candles they found in Napa while visiting from Deutschland. The candles are meant to drip fantastic globs of colored wax all over a wine bottle. I like the way they look luminescent in the photo.
Cool! The milk bottle reminds me of one I found in my yard (1, 2) from Williams Dairy here in Oakland. Yours has the phone number in the same format, OL(ympic)2-2619, and the bonus of an earliest possible date of 1955. I wasn't able to narrow down the age of mine beyond a few decades.
now i want an oakland house just so i can find old oakland treasures.
also, i want a pom pom picture. ;)
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