Jan 18, 2008

let's see...where did we leave off? i swear, the lack in posts is not due to a lack in work! it's been busy as usual around here, so busy that i've had trouble keeping up with what we've done. lucky for you, we made a list. see it over on the right side? an updated "done" and "to-do". wow. we've done a lot...

i'll start off with the quick update to our bathroom vanity lamp. the metal was too shiny for the mirror so we painted it to match the wall so it would just disappear. shouldn't someone invent a light that's just there? now fixture required?hmmm. guess that's called sunlight...you read more about the light debacle over here.

the light fixture cause quite a stir, but in the end we're pretty happy with it. gets the job done and is completely unobtrusive in our tiny bathroom (update: we did swap out the bulbs for clear ones and it looks better...).

we continued on with the bathroom revamp. curt went nuts with his new xmas present and cut, sanded and painted baseboard for almost the entire house.

while he busied himself sawing, my anal side came out to play and i painted the caulk lines in between the bathroom tiles. now i hate them much less. kitchen and shower tile are up next. really and truly the easiest face lift. kind of like plucking your eye brows...

next we moved on to the front bedroom. we moved all of the furniture out (flashback!).
curt smartly labeled all of the baseboard that he cut before he painted it so it was real easy to put back in place.we got all fancy with the special tools. no smacking dents in our baseboard, thank you very much.

next, on to the front room. we've been avoiding dealing with this room because of the front door. along with all of the charm and potential, our little cabinhouse came chock full of random uneven floors, doors, windows and walls. kind of like the mystery spot in santa cruz. everything's wonky and when we put in our new front door it freaked us out a little bit.but now with all of our expert-style tools, no job is too big. we recycled some of the old moulding that we had saved when we ripped it out and it's perfect (and pretty cool that we were able to use the old stuff). with a little fancy cutting, we didn't even have to move the light switch!
okay, and here's a few look-how-gorgeous-the-weather-is photos...we spent some time with the binoculars we brought back from germany. from our favorite spot you can see san francisco and the bay bridge lined up in front of the golden gate bridge....not bad. oh, and we got a new kitchen table and chairs....soooo much better.


Anonymous said...

ahhh, molding! doesn't get better than that. the hubs and i just finished up molding in my studio. i lost count of the curse words uttered through the whole process.

but what a DIFFERENCE the pretty white molding makes, no?

Leah said...

Hi Shayna,

What's the blue paint you used in the bedroom?

I love it!


Jennifer said...

oh yes! the nail punch--that is a favorite of mine. you can do anything with a nail-punch. it can sometimes double as a golf tee. we don't golf, so maybe our experimental efforts aren't a true test of its "multipurposfulness"

as if flawless baseboards weren't enough


Shayna said...


it's benjamin moore. i can't remember the exact name...boy blue? little boy blue? we love it too. it makes the room so cheery and bright!