Nov 29, 2007

no house pictures this week. we spent the weekend gorging ourselves on thanksgiving leftovers and celebrating my papa's 58th (haha!) 87th bday. here's a few photos of a side trip we took on our way back home. oh and remember this?
same persimmon tree 2 weeks later: it's pretty neat to see it go through the stages from green to red to bare. think the persimmons are almost ready for my tummy.


Hungry in LA said...

I've been a lurker on your site for a while and realized it was time to write in. I just spent what felt like hours caulking my new garage door and I am in complete admiration of your retaining wall as a result.

Good work,your never ending projects are inspiring.

Shayna said...


thanks for the lovely comments. it kinda makes me blush to hear "inspiring". i'm serious. good luck with your garage door. i think half of our house is now held together with caulk. ha.