Oct 21, 2007

ta-da! we're done! of course, not really and truly done, but we hammered smashed jackhammered in the last of the rebar on our wall and lay the last piece of wood.

some quick specifications acc. to curt: 1/2", 7ft rebar, 3ft. below the ground, spaced every 4 ft and double reinforced at intersections of 25 ft long wall (4 ft tall); 2, 4x8 deadmans in the middle and at each end
we put nice drainage in (look papa! gravel...)and caulked (think the wall might be held together with caulk)...it still needs to be painted, we need to move the dirt behind it and then there's the stairs. oh boy. the projects just keep coming...or we keep bringing them, i guess.
we're rebuilding the first two steps that lead up past the perfect new wall. curt started it last evening as the sun was setting and he was determined to get it framed before we called it quits for the day. i called it quits when we couldn't see any longer, but he kept going. that blur below is him and the light of his handy new flashlight.

check out what a few days of rain has done for the backyard. it's pretty wonderful.

and finally, some photos of the living room:

the fabled ebay couch arrived and after much frustration, clamping and wood glue, it made it to the living room. the cushions are pretty hideous so you'll have to do your best to imagine them covered with a deep forest green velvet. until then maybe just squint your eyes.
we just brought our little wood-burning stove back in from it's outdoor summer storage place. we still need to get him all fixed up and get a chimney for him but here's where he'll live.
craigslist vintage cabinet turned in to our makeshift tv storage (originally from bullocks!)and the gorgeous hand-me-down vinyl wingback chair....my favorite knitting corner. we've yet to find the perfect coffee table (curt tells me it might live in germany, at his mother's home), there's no molding or baseboards and the curtains haven't been hemmed but it's coming along. we haven't decorated or put any art up, that'll come soon, but we did bring home a new bookcase today. photos of that will be next.


studio wellspring said...

wowsa shayna ~ you are such a heroine! i just love watching your progress, seeing your decisions come to life, and living vicariously thru you! ;o)

Andie East said...

everything looks so beautiful. Love the wingback chair. So wonderful. Very impressive, want to come over. Invite me! I'll ride my bike! Just joking...about the bike.