Oct 8, 2007

rain is forecast for this week. as much as i'd like to curl up inside in our fabulous kelly green wingback chair and knit the day away, we have much to do before the rainy season starts in on our little abode. finishing the wall is first up, hanging gutters comes next. the porch rehab will probably have to wait until spring. who knew that such a teensy tiny house could demand so much?

we spent both saturday and sunday working on the retaining wall. i think we've figured out how it should work. now it's just a matter of repeating it over and over until the wall is high enough. 2 more full weekends maybe?

remember "my big fat greek wedding" and how the father claims that windex is the cure for everything? caulk is our windex. it's probably not technically what you're supposed to do with it, but some of our recycled wood needed a little fortification. and once you get started with silly-stringish caulking, the party just doesn't stop. really, it can't hurt...

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