Feb 22, 2012


first snow

Feb 17, 2012


This was our backyard last year. We had so much rain that we had our own little creek running through the canyon area.

This year we've had next to no rain. It's been nice for spending time outside with a rambunctious almost-toddler, but nature can't be too happy about it.

Feb 7, 2012

teensy, tiny and small

A few sweaters that I knit for E. 

As you can see, I've used the same pattern over and over. 

I'm working on a fourth of the same pattern but think it's time to branch out. I'd like to make her a pullover for the spring. My biggest pet peeve in knitting is seaming (I know, I should get over it) but so far I've been able to keep the seaming to a minimum by using top down raglan patterns. 

Any favorite kids' sweater patterns you'd recommend that use minimal seaming?

Feb 3, 2012

life in photos

E's amazing hair

neat sling-shot ready stick

Acacia's are blooming

forging ahead (slowly) on a little something for E's room

backyard destruction and renewal

delicious meyer lemon, poppyseed, cardamom-scented cake
