Jan 13, 2012

winter projects, small and big

backyard in transition, again
small projects for the winter:
+ finish E's night-lamp
+ build bookshelf for E's room
+ build two frames and hang pictures in E's room
+ close back area ceiling hole/attic access (it's been open for 4+ years, blowing down col)
+ fix C's grandmother's lamp
+ hem curtains
+ buy new sheets!

big project for this weekend:
+ backyard revamp version #1028 (to create a more child-friendly play area) which includes:
+ leveling out dirt area and removing excess dirt
+ digging large holes for planting
+ creating "natural barrier" along retaining wall with large rosemary plants
+ moving vegetable boxes**

Any winter gardeners out there? What edibles can we still plant?

**the vegetable garden was woefully neglected during the summer and fall. we're scaling back from  the 2 small and 1 large box system we had going and trying to plant more realistically and efficiently. any tips?


  1. holy crap! it looks like a whole new backyard.

  2. I'd love to garden, but my little apartment in SF has such a small backyard! I'm afraid to go near it :)
