May 24, 2010


We recently had a property survey in preparation for the first big project of the summer. We're finally putting up a fence.
 This way Elli can run free, we can grow berries up the fence and we'll get a bit (more) privacy.
 We decided against metal in favor of wood posts with deer fencing. It fits the surroundings and almost disappears into the hillside.
Part of the fence project includes hanging out our driveway gate from funky chainlink to a nicer wood/metal gate. We're moving the gate closer to the street to give us more room in the front.
We found a local shop that welds frames for super reasonable prices and to save $$, we'll be installing and finishing the gate ourselves.

This (now funky) area will be enclosed:
 C's already started the hardest part and spent 3 days digging a massive 4 ft. hole, by hand.

ps- today is our 3 year anniversary as homeowners!


  1. Congratulations on your homeowner anniversary! So excited to join your ranks. :)

  2. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  3. Hi, Hallo,
    I discovered you through the Brick House's blogroll and just spent an incredible slow day at work reading through your archives (shhhhhttt, don't tell my boss). I am totally blown away by what you guys managed to accomplish and manage to get done on a regular basis during the weekends !!!! Fantastisch !
    Your comments on your 'German' husband always make me giggle. I am of German origin myself, but sadly the crafty/handy genes have totally passed me by... Still struggling to get a nail in straight...
    Anyway, I will certainly keep following your adventures.
    Viele Grüsse aus Brüssel :-)

  4. that's okay guys--we aren't sitting around waiting for the next grand update or anything! ;)
