Apr 2, 2010

Wish List: Kitchen

pepper grinder: because ours is ugly and this is not

dishtowel: lovely design and affordable

picardie glasses: pretty, stackable, classic, affordable, not too big and not too small

water pitcher: somewhat indulgent but so much prettier than the Brita pitcher

apothecary Jars: for my spices

 cereal bowls: love Heath for quality, beauty, history and for being local


  1. Oh so lovely!! Those apothecary jars...and the water pitcher (our Brita has seen much better days!)...and Heath...oh my!

  2. love it all...every single bit of it.

    i've had that ikea peppermill on my wishlist for ever. now that the hiatus is over. hmm...


  3. I love the sunny fabric! I need to go and see if they make it in a tablecloth...
