Apr 29, 2010

Last weekend's shenanigans. I know, a little late but things seem to be moving slower 'round here these days.
By 11am last Saturday, the temperature was already above 80 in our backyard. We took off for a quick overnight camping trip outside of Napa. I managed to not take a single photo and spent much of the day in the hammock.
These photos are all from C's iPhone.
Hammocks, mountain lions, not doing much and TONS of food.
Preparation for the amateur knife throwing contest. We sacrificed a picnic table.
Post knife-throwing and hammock-napping, a quick game of wiffle ball...devastating loss for the other team. Good thing none of us are the tiniest bit competitive.
Elli and her favorite Uncle Eddie:


  1. That looks like an amazing camping trip. Sadly, it snowed in the SLC today and the weekend is looking grim.

    We are gearing up for some backpacking this summer though.

  2. Thanks guys.. that was real fun!

  3. What cute campers you all are! xoxo

  4. oooh i love wiffle ball ;-)

    and i want a hammock. i'm just sayin!

