Mar 29, 2010

Nature is Amazing

I spent a good part of the weekend exclaiming, "Nature is so damn amazing!".
I think finding the sprouting acorn kicked it off for me. I was weeding the garden and found this little beauty nestled in between the strawberries. We have mini oak trees poking up all over the place but this was the first time I really saw how the magic works.
That crazy alien-like pink area will unfurl to become the oak leaves. I planted this little guy to watch him grow but someone some puppy pulled it out of the pot.

C spent the weekend on super-speed. First he leveled out more of the upper hill area, added 3 new steps, a winding path and an area for a bench. Then he climbed up a 30 ft. oak tree, pruned it and freed it from the encroaching Acacias. On to the next Oak trees for pruning and then an epic battle with poison oak. He also managed to cut the grass and hang the hammock (for me to nap in!).
Sunday we planted some more flowers and though C spent most of the day in another working craze, I managed to take only one photo of him; sleeping in the hammock with Elli.
I found this yellow spider on our Rosemary plant. I've never seen a yellow spider before!
And because C says, "Sometimes people want to see what you eat", here's what we had for dinner:
Roast chicken over potatoes and a side of roasted kohlrabi and watermelon radishes.

Oh, and Saturday night (in keeping with the "Nature is amazing!" theme) we watched this great documentary about the search for the first flower.


  1. I saw that exact same yellow spider at my house in SF last year. We put it in a jar to look it up because we were sure it must be a non-local species. It wasn't, and unfortunately for our research, it was not any exciting variety of spider either. BUT it was a very striking color, we let it back out to enjoy it some more.

  2. that yellow spider is crazy. and a little scary ;-)

    your dinner looks fantastic!!!!

  3. we have yet to hang our hammock and we've had it for 7 years! and the photos in this post are exquisite!

  4. Kara- our first thought was that it might be poisonous. glad to hear you found out it's just a normal spider..not exciting but not deathly, ha!

    Joslyn- yum yum...thanks!

    Michelle- go hang it! you won't regret it!
