Mar 12, 2010

Around the Garden and More Windows

The tiny flowers on our almond trees smell like honey.
We snapped some cuttings from a renegade neighborhood plant (aloe?) about two years ago. The flower is new this year.
Rosemary that I clip to make winter roast chicken and summertime rosemary lemonade.
 New (salvaged) windows that C found for my studio.

***Karey couldn't be sweeter and said some ridiculously kind words over here today. Thank you, lady.***

***Joslyn whipped up a batch of these cookies over her lunch break yesterday and posted some excellent notes about the recipe on her food blog***


  1. Those photos of you on Karey's blog are wonderful. I can't wait to see the studio progress.

  2. Spring has already visited your lovely garden!

  3. I bet they smell as wonderful as they are beautiful!Great photoing! enjoyed your blog very much.

  4. so beautiful! things are just coming back to life here. looking at your garden makes me even more anxious for summer.
