Feb 10, 2010

Cracking Walnuts

Last month a friend gave us a massive bag of walnuts from his farm.We've been cracking them open with a random tool we dug out of our junk drawer. It does the job but not well. Anyone know what it should actually be used for? We've also used it to crack open some tasty crabs. Again, it functioned but not without poking holes in the wrong places.

I would really like to invite this squirrel nutcracker into our home. He would definitely make me feel better about the time it will take to crack open all of the walnuts required for this cake. Oh, and for these ridiculously good brownies (which we've been making with the cocoa powder C's mom sent over from Germany...yum).

**I forgot to mention the little spending hiatus experiment that prohibits me from buying non-essentials for the next month Building materials are exempted. Squirrel nutcrackers are not. However, I am allowed to accept gifts.


  1. you have strong will my friend because that squirrel is freakin cute.

    i'm just sayin.

  2. Just found your blog through Simple Lovely.

    Seriously cute nutcracker. And cheers to you for sticking with your goal and not buying. :) Maybe after the hiatus??
