remember way back when we bought all of that redwood off of craigslist?
we deemed august the month for using up that wood and we (well C, at least) have certainly lived up to that promise.
we knew that we would be using a good portion of the wood to rebuild our rotten front porch. what we didn't expect was that we would not be doing the work ourselves. after ripping up the all of the wood porch, we took one look at the non-existent foundation and the one rotten loose 4x4 that was holding up THE ENTIRE house and knew that we needed some professional help.
first a few pictures of the porch before:

to save ourselves some money, we opted to finish off all of the non-structural work ourselves. at this point, the porch is still unfinished and waiting for the redwood decking and railing.
we saved the siding (it was all redwood!) when the guys tore down the wall and asked them to reuse as much as possible when they rebuilt the front. we just spent 3 days patching old holes and cracks, caulking gaps and sanding the surfaces so when we repaint the house it won't look so frankensteinian.
i won't bore you guys with gobs of construction photos (just a few dozen), but i do think it's pretty darn exciting...
also, there's one very cool secret hidden under the new porch that i'll share with you later this week.
looking forward to seeing your after photos!
Porch looks great.
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