Apr 2, 2009

carrots and beets and chard, oh my!
i squeal like a 5 year old every time i get to harvest something from the garden. i still can't believe things actually grow (thanks to the diligent watering of one very kind german).

the carrots didn't make it past the garden (straight into the gullet). i wasn't so great at thinning the beets when i planted them. the most bountiful harvest from that area of the garden might just be the greens alone. but goodness they are so darn tasty cooked up with some garlic and olive oil. throw a poached egg on there and i'm a happy girl.

oh and that's chard peeking out from under the carrots. i've been eating that fresh from the garden. too sweet to even throw in a pan!

soon we'll be eating apricots off the tree. look at those furry babies! i can't believe how much fruit this tree is putting out after just one year in our backyard.

and finally, our beloved "alien plant". i think it's actually a pride of madeira, but it's so nutty that we've come up with our own name. we brought this home in a little half gallon pot, it died promptly but we planted it anyway, thinking we had nothing to lose. after a week of watering and then months of ignoring it, look at that guy now! he's actually taken over the staircase. not sure what we'll do with him...

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