Mar 26, 2009

it's springtime at the cabinhouse!

look at those tiny buds on our apricot tree. these photos were actually take a few weeks ago. the apricot tree is now already covered with bright green leaves and tiny fuzzy fruit.

if you look closely you can see the pink nectarine blossoms in the right hand corner. those big black containers? those would be our compost bins. we're moving things around in the backyard...making room for more fruit trees. while i was out of town one weekend, C. dug out and leveled a huge new area roughly the size of a large driveway. you can see it in this photo:
we'll eventually add a nice wall to finish it off and level out the area above a bit more. we have plans to add more vegetable boxes (for growing tomatoes) to the upper level. the little shack up there will be torn down...

just for fun, here's a round-up of the fruit trees we have for as of now:

came with the house:
- rockin' orange tree
- sickly meyer lemon
- oodles of wild plums (not great for eating, super-tasty for jam and tarte making)
- fuyu persimmon

planted last year:
- mission fig
- meyer lemon
- pear (i forget what type...bosc?)
- sour cherry
- nectarine (hmmm. yellow fleshed variety)
- blenheim apricot
- 2 grapefruit trees (we couldn't decide what kind we wanted)

planted this year:
- flavor delight aprium (holy moly these are good. i heard about them on good food, found them at berkeley bowl, fell in love and then we spotted the tree at the nursery. very excited about this guy)
- pink lady apple (only my favorite apples ever. i eat one a day when they're in season)
- crazy cherry tree that was bred to put out a mixed crop. we discovered that many sweet cherry trees need another sweet cherry tree nearby for pollination. this baby combines 4 types (lapin, bing, black tartarian and van) so that they can help eachother out...

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