Sep 19, 2008

this is an old post that never quite made it up on the blog. it dates back to august....enjoy!

there's been a lot going on around these parts.
our summer guest arrived last week and we've been busy putting him to work, camping and swimming. the boys have made serious head-way in the backyard and L is now a master with the chainsaw. impressive for a 12 year old, no?

so many small projects with not so many photos. a lot of moving dirt, leveling areas and taking out dead tree stumps. we've (i mean C and L. i had to go to day-job work). they've successfully added an entirely new area to our backyard...making headway in to the national forest...

okay, projects with pictures: the stairs we built up the side of our hill weren't actually done. they still needed a set of stairs leading from the concrete patio up to meet the hillside steps. this proved to be quite perplexing, but german engineering came through (shocker there, eh?). while i was whiling away the day at the computer, curt and L. managed to figure it all out....
once the actual steps were built, a hammerdrill was needed for drilling 2 holes in to the cinderblock wall. L. proved to be top-notch at cleaning out the holes in preparation for the silicone and metal bars....screwing in the posts and the board to attach the stairs:et, voila!

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