Jan 6, 2008

and we're back...just in time for the rain storm of the year. lord. thought germany weather was intense. given the short notice, we set up a make-shift work bench for curt's new xmas present (best-girlfriend-ever award, thank you very much).We picked up some primed baseboard (finally decided after much deliberation, not to salvage the baseboard we ripped up. this makes life much much easier), painted it in the basement and voila: fancy pants bathroom!
we've started on the other rooms, should be done by next weekend. easiest and quickest way to make a room look finished. new party trick round here.

but before we got knee deep in baseboard, we decided to finish the bathroom. i've been complaining for a while now that the bathroom light is awful but we've slacked in picking out a vanity light. we finally just snapped and bought the standard $11 model at our favorite hardware store. think we might paint it the same color as the wall so that it disappears...
at last i can make myself pretty!

continuing with the lighting theme, we rigged up the lamp that we brought back from curt's grandmother's house in germany. amazingly, it didn't suffer at all from being crammed in my suitcase. we think it's from the 1930's. one of the first things they bought together. pretty gorgeous, non? of course, the photos don't do it justice. the light is kind of unbelievable.

other tidbits from the weekend include:
baking bread
hanging coat hooks and a mirrorhanging birdhouses (handmade by curt's cousin, a basketmaker)and rescuing neighborhood dogs who escaped during the thunderstorm


Anonymous said...

amazing light!

Dara said...

Hi Shayna,

Nice project! I clicked over here from Orangette as I saw yoru request for cooking classes, so I thought I'd see where you live. Right near me probably! And guess what? I teach cooking classes. Have a look at my website www.thesagetable.com of you like and maybe you'll be enticed. There are always LOTS of vegetables... :) ~Dara