Nov 7, 2007

we had a house guest last parents came with their dog, milo, for a visit to the cabinhouse. they stayed with friends, he stayed with us. i don't think he's been so environmentally stimulated before. after trying to take on the neighbors' much much bigger dog, he finally settled down and went after the squirrels--a more manageable challenge. oh, and he liked the wall. so much that he kept trying to sit on it's very tiny edge.

it was an animal weekend, curt found a very tiny and very fast little critter running around the steps. he was relocated to a safer neighborhood.
i thought we were nuts for buying all of these bags for 2 little steps...shows how little i know about concrete. we have one bag left.
and last, but not least...the infamous NAMBLA (North Atlantic Mission Baseball League and Associations (no, not that NAMBLA...) commissioner hailed upon us from his new digs in thailand. mike, good to have you back in town for a hot minute...


j said...

you can trick your post order by changing the time posted to an earlier hour. it's in "post options" right above the publish post button.

love the updates!

Shayna said...

oh thanks jenni! you such a pro!
ps- might get to see you tomorrow!

Andie East said...

Sorry we missed the party. Hope it was lovely! Invite us again! Looking good.