Jun 18, 2007

ma and pa came up on friday to help with the house (4-day summer work weeks for me!):
to be fair, that was only after we kicked them out in a minor panic attack. here's ma sanding the walls (just a gentle "kiss"):
and pops manhandling the edger:
here's the weekend recap:
- organized the tools....it was way too chaotic (of course, it's a complete mess again)

- curt filled in the hole hidden behind the
monstrosity of a medicine cabinet that we ripped out:

- we sanded the walls and covered everything with dust (plastic sheeting be damned!)

- curt bonded with the sanding machine, pops held the cord

-dad and i turned the
"pie-window" between the kitchen and living room in to a fully functioning doorway

now, instead of seeing this while sitting on the yet-to-exist couch:
you'll see this (except we'll fill in that old-doorway with a wall...):
as seen from the kitchen looking in to the living room and the new hallway to the front bedroom and bathroom:

sunday there was a minor interruption (that makes masters #4, by the way):

at 11:45 last night, we finally packed up the machines and covered the floors...more to come later this week...

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