Jun 4, 2007

lot's of work this weekend. baby steps, but good progress.

1. before: floors with goo, after: floors stripped and ready for sanding

messy process...

2. insulation for bedroom wall. it's pink!

galen, myself and a beautifully insulated wall:

learning how to tack up sheetrock

the german carpenter pants finally get put to their true use!

one bedroom wall done...5,000,000,000 to go.

3. bedroom/ living room window knocked out and ready for stained glass panel

4. ceiling rafters cleaned up, not as scary anymore...open ceiling might actually work out.

5. kitchen sink rebellion gets squashed (with a little help from the plumber).

and finally a small break...camping chairs put to temporary use as patio furniture.

1 comment:

Andie East said...

Okay, I got laid off so I'm visiting your blog every day and commenting. But still at work. LIfe is good, I guess. I get paid to comment. Kinda like open rafters as well. Looks nice and arty. Stained glass window awaiting place looks marvelous post markout. Congrats on insulation. Invite me over! I want to learn such tactics!